I think people eat like crap, and so they feel poorly, angry and rages with blood sugar swings, sick, hurting, unable to run or lift or make love - bloated, weak, unhealthy - we start to have low self esteem.
I think we have lost the benefit of the concept of "Elders" - that there are wise, loving older adults - grandparents or church or extended family - a group of older concerned folks that you are accountable to but also that you could go to for help and guidance and advice. No one wants to appear weak.
I think we are disconnected from one another because of overuse of media and screens, the internet, facebook and overcrowding - all of which turns other people into "things" that are in our way or slowing us down, taking up our time, buying up all the good whatever that we didn't even know we wanted until we saw someone take the last one. We've dehumanized those around us.
I think we're scared. Scared of people that don't look like us, vote like us, scared that someone will break into our homes, our neighborhoods or our country and take something that we want - take our jobs, our tax money, our jewelry - maybe stretch us too far with different ideas about marriage, gender, sex and the family unit. Take our certainly about God and love and who we are. We're scared so we hunker down and shiver and worry and arm ourselves and hide in huge cars with locked doors, and huge houses with locked doors and cameras and security gates and in offices and cubicles with walls, security badges, everywhere we go there are cameras, alarms, passwords. Gotta Keep everyone out, away, don't touch me. Don't look at me. Then we wonder why we're lonely.